You know how you will ventilate in your new house? home comfortable

Recuperation effectively addresses the issue of energy-efficient ventilation. It is heat recovery through a heat recovery ventilation unit, ie RECOVERY.

What is Recovery?

Fresh outside air passes through a recuperation exchanger inside the air handling unit, into which warm "waste" air from your building (house, apartment) enters from the other side.

These airs are separated from each other in the exchanger by a system of ducts to prevent backflow from the exhaust air into the supply air. Through the walls of the ducts, heat passes from the exhaust air to the supply air, which is thus heated and thus entered through the air vents into the living rooms. Recuperation exchangers of renowned manufacturers achieve a high heat transfer efficiency in the range of 80 - 95% depending on the size of the exchanger, air flow and type of recuperation equipment.

Recuperation units

Recuperation units are designed for new apartments, houses but also for reconstructions, they are an ideal solution for passive and low-energy houses. Units with rotary recuperators achieve a thermal efficiency of 85%. Units with plate and enthalpy recuperators achieve a thermal efficiency of up to 90%.

Central Recovery Units

Central air handling units are ideal for new construction. They provide a simple controlled ventilation system throughout the house with highly efficient heat recovery. HVAC distribution is recommended to be planned and designed before the construction of the house, due to implementation during construction.

Local (Decentrale) Recovery Units

If the project does not include a central ventilation and recuperation system with air distribution in the house or in case of complexity of its installation, it is possible to use a local recuperation unit. The ventilation unit is designed for installation directly into the perimeter walls of the ventilated room, where it ensures optimal exchange of exhausted indoor and outdoor air.

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